Friday, 9 February 2018

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: What is the Purpose of this Treatment?

Have you ever heard of HBOT? Hyperbaric oxygen therapy or HBOT is not a very common treatment, but it has its uses. You’ll be surprised by the number of applications that this particular type of therapy has. In fact, on this article we will discuss the purpose of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. What does it do? How does it work? What is it for? We will answer these questions below.


HBOT is used for decompression sickness, one of the hazards of scuba diving. It can also be used for conditions such as serious infection, arterial gas embolism, and non-healing wounds. Treatment involves the use of a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, wherein air pressure is increased to three times the normal air pressure. Because of this, the patient’s lungs can take in more oxygen than is possible with normal air pressure.


HBOT works under the principle that additional air pressure allows the blood to carry more oxygen throughout the body. It helps stimulate the release of stem cells and growth factors, which promote healing. The hyperbaric oxygen therapy also helps the body fight bacteria. An injured person requires more oxygen in order to recover quickly. The body’s tissues require an adequate amount of oxygen to function—it needs even more to fully heal itself. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry. This promotes healing while fighting infection. Aside from the functions mentioned above, hyperbaric oxygen therapy may also be used for burns, brain abscess, carbon monoxide poisoning, and gangrene. Depending on your doctor’s opinion, it may be recommended for severe anemia, sudden deafness, and radiation injury.

Proposed Functions

There are many other uses for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, although not all of them are confirmed and backed by medical evidence as of this point. No doubt that HBOT can help treat several medical conditions, and medical institutions use it in a lot of different ways. However, there is insufficient evidence that HBOT can effectively treat conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, AIDS, brain injury, depression, arthritis, heart disease, asthma, stroke, autism, hepatitis, and allergies. There are even those who claim that hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help treat cirrhosis, migraine, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, ulcers, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Right now, these are just claims. But there’s no denying that this treatment has great potential. Oxygen is essential to us after all. However, further studies need to be conducted in order to prove its other benefits.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help stimulate new blood vessel growth while increasing blood flow. This facilitates natural healing. It also enhances the body’s natural immune defenses, so it could fight bacteria and infections. If you are injured, it may reduce swelling around the damaged areas. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is generally safe, and complications are rare. Possible side effects for HBOT include mild sinus discomfort, brief short-sightedness, and claustrophobia. Very rarely will HBOT cause pulmonary oxygen toxicity. Ask your doctor about hyperbaric oxygen therapy and see if it’s a good fit for your condition.

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