At its core, chiropractic care is different from traditional medical procedures. And it does not try to be anything else: it’s one of the best alternative treatment methods out there, after all. Chiropractors seek to restore and improve the function of the human body by realigning the spine and managing musculoskeletal problems. Whether or not this process should involve prescription medications is entirely dependent on the person’s condition. Chiropractors provide natural healing through spinal adjustments. It’s a safe, holistic, and non-invasive way to reduce pain and provide comfort. It can help those who are struggling with joint pain, muscle pain, back pain, neck pain, headaches, and many other musculoskeletal conditions. But does it require prescription drugs? Are chiropractors allowed to prescribe drugs at all? On this article, we will take a closer look.Chiropractors and Prescription Drugs
Just like how chiropractors are not allowed to perform surgery, Doctors of Chiropractic are not actually licensed to write medical prescriptions. But come to think of it, the use of prescription medications actually goes against their philosophy. Chiropractors work under the philosophy that the body has an excellent way of healing itself. Some injuries may slow down this natural function, but by realigning the spine, the process can be restored to its normal pace. It’s a profession that makes use of natural healing. They strive to avoid the potential dangerous side effects of medications. Chiropractors rely on a manual method of adjusting the structure of the body. They use precise movements that specifically target certain areas. It is an approach that is designed and selected to reduce pain and stress that the person is suffering from. We can say that chiropractic treatment, as a field of medicine, is based on holistic healing that involves as little use of medication as possible. In fact, it is defined by the National Chiropractic Association as a “drug-free, non-surgical science.”Chiropractic Care and Conventional Medicine
All that said, chiropractors sometimes work with their patient’s physician to get the best results. Both types of treatment, conventional and alternative, have their merits. They have their advantages. So in those special cases wherein the patient requires both kinds of treatment, the chiropractor and the physician may work together. Medications may be involved. As professionals, chiropractors have nothing but their patient’s best interests in mind. They will do whatever it takes to improve their patient’s health. If chiropractic care isn’t right for their patient, they will even recommend another method of treatment. There are instances wherein spinal adjustments aren’t suitable for the patient. Furthermore, chiropractors recognize the efficacy of medications to relieve extreme pain. Medications, homeopathy, naturopathy, general nutritional counseling—these are all simple means to an end. And some of these are more applicable in certain situations than the others. All that said, your chiropractor will not prescribe any medicine on his own.Special Exceptions
In those instances wherein both natural healing and prescription medications are required, chiropractors and physicians have to rely on each other. But there are some states that have bridged the gap between these two. New Mexico, for example, has recently passed legislation that allows some chiropractors to prescribe medicines. Although considered controversial, the legislation is valuable to those who are interested in seeking out chiropractic care and making the most out of it. And of course, these chiropractors are required to complete a standardized course before they could prescribe medicines—on top of all the requirements to secure a chiropractic license in the first place. Find out more by visiting a chiropractic clinic near you today!The featured article Chiropractors: When Can They Prescribe Drugs? is available on
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