Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Chiropractors: What Can They Do?

Many people assume that a chiropractor’s job is to eliminate neck and back pain—that’s it. And while they do treat those conditions, there are other things they are capable of treating too. Chiropractic care is an alternative treatment method that focuses on musculoskeletal and nervous system issues. Problems in these particular systems can affect the rest of the body. And so the idea behind chiropractic care is that if you treat those specific areas, you will treat the rest of the body as well. So not only does chiropractic care help treat injuries, reduce pain and repair damage, it also improves a person’s overall health. Chiropractors can help with a variety of symptoms and conditions of varying severity. It works best as complementary medicine—especially in terms of more serious cases. But on its own, chiropractic care is a safe and non-invasive treatment that does not rely on prescription painkillers in order to succeed. Here are some of the most common conditions that chiropractors can help with.

Lower Back Pain

Of course, this is the thing people most commonly associate chiropractors with. If you slip and fall, you might hurt your tailbone. Your chiropractor will be able to use spinal manipulation to relieve back pain and prevent further damage. Some chiropractors use the Active Release Technique to target the specific areas in the body in order to reduce pain and remove scar tissue.

Neck Pain

Another cornerstone of what chiropractors do, treating neck pain is a common complaint among patients seeking chiropractic care. Chiropractors use spinal adjustments to ease the aches and pains in the neck area. They can also perform movement assessment in order to identify the source of the problem—whether it’s actually the neck or not. In some cases, neck pain stems from the shoulders. Easing the pain in the neck area can restore your range of motion.

Pregnancy Pain

Aches and pains are to be expected during pregnancy. And sometimes, improper pelvic alignment is to blame for these sensations. Pregnant women may see a chiropractor in order to alleviate the pain. Mainly used for pain relief, chiropractic care may help pregnant women because it is a safer alternative to surgery.

Digestive Problems

Since the nerves in the thoracic region of the spine are linked with digestion, spinal adjustments can ultimately help address problems within the digestive system. Your chiropractor can ensure that your digestive system is working properly so that you can avoid abdominal pain. For example, thoracic disc herniation, a problem in the area between the spinal bones, can cause abdominal pain. Through chiropractic care, it can be realigned and rebalanced.


Problems in the neck and the upper back can sometimes cause headaches. And in these instances, a chiropractor can help. They will use spinal manipulation to massage and loosen up these muscles, in order to relieve the headache. In this particular area, more research needs to be done in order to unlock its full potential. It is possible that chiropractic care may even eliminate headaches for chronic sufferers. But in the meantime, even the way it works now is more than enough for some patients. If you want to know more about the other functions of chiropractic care, you can visit your local chiropractor today and schedule an appointment! They won’t just treat your injuries, they will even improve your overall health.

The following article Chiropractors: What Can They Do? Read more on: Dynamic Wellness


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