Thursday, 29 March 2018

What Your Chiropractor Doesn’t Tell You: 5 Things You Should Know

Most people who have heard about chiropractic care before have developed a few misconceptions about the alternative treatment method. Some people think it’s just about the backbone. And while it certainly focuses on the spine for the most part, it covers more than that. Here are a few things your chiropractor may not have told you—but you should definitely know.

1. Pain is the least of your troubles

When people experience pain, they immediately turn to their doctors for painkillers. If they recommend that you see a chiropractor, this may mean that there’s an underlying source of pain that needs to be addressed before the symptom can go away. Your chiropractor will help relieve this pain, but you should be more concerned about the issue that’s causing it in the first place.  A patient’s back may become unstable for months before the pain even manifests. Remember that the absence of pain does not mean that you are healthy. Pain may manifest due to joint, ligament, and muscle injuries. Past injuries may make certain areas of your body more susceptible to future injury. When you experience pain out of the blue, chances are, your body has been deteriorating for a while, and now it has reached that breaking point of sorts.

2. Chiropractic care does not “cure” pain by itself

If you seek the help of a chiropractor, you have to remember that they won’t fix your back and permanently eliminate pain. What they will do is restore your range of motion, allowing you to move your joints as normal—and painlessly. They will relieve the tension on your nerves and muscles. This process won’t heal you per se, but it will allow the body to perform its normal healing functions properly. In essence, chiropractic care restores your healing ability, which may have been compromised during your injury. The body heals much slower when tissues are damaged. Chiropractors will help bring you back to your “natural state” where your body is capable of fighting off these disruptions by itself.

3. Spinal adjustments aren’t painful

Your chiropractor should put your mind at ease before starting with the chiropractic adjustments. But most people are afraid to ask whether the spinal manipulations are painful or not. This is why chiropractors sometimes fail to tell you that it’s not painful. Adjustments don’t hurt. Your bones won’t be snapped in ways they’re not meant to be. While the neck adjustments may seem intimidating, it is actually much gentler than they look. The sounds made during an adjustment are called cavitations, much like when you’re cracking your knuckles. Once the adjustments are over, you’ll actually feel much lighter.

4. Chiropractors can give fitness advice

Chiropractors know about more than just your backbone. They can give you advice on fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle choices. Take advantage of it by asking all the appropriate questions that can help you get back on your feet after that injury. You’ll be much more confident knowing that the person treating you is familiar with all the ways you can get better. In fact, some athletes visit chiropractors on a regular basis, not because they need it, but because it helps improve their performance.

5. You still need to put in some work

Chiropractic adjustments can help get your body back into the right shape after an injury. It does this naturally, rather than relying on painkillers or surgery. But you still need to exert some effort. It won’t magically make you feel great again. If you didn’t acquire the back pain overnight, then it probably won’t get fixed overnight either. You need to do some exercises, you need to eat healthy. Ask your chiropractor about how you can speed up your recovery. Visit a nearby chiropractor today!

What Your Chiropractor Doesn’t Tell You: 5 Things You Should Know was originally seen on Dynamic Wellness& Chiro


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