Thursday, 19 July 2018

Is Chiropractic Care Holistic?


  Many people who want to receive pain relief are willing to try alternative treatment methods, even though they are less popular than conventional medicine. After all, just because they are not as popular as the usual methods doesn’t mean they are any less effective. However, these patients may be interested in receiving a holistic type of treatment: one that improves the person’s quality of life, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Sometimes when you say holistic, you can even include the spiritual element. So in light of this subject, we will be discussing one of the most popular forms of alternative treatment: chiropractic care. Is it holistic? How does it work? And why should you consider it? Let’s find out.

Chiropractic Care HolisticHow does it work?

From a medical standpoint, chiropractic treatment works by using spinal manipulation to improve a person’s health. Certain injuries can slow down the body’s natural healing mechanisms, particularly injuries that affect the spine. When this part is misaligned, the body can heal much slower than it should. But by using spinal adjustments, everything is set back on track and the body heals naturally. These techniques apply direct pressure or use targeted movements to reinforce the spine’s proper alignment. It can help provide pain relief or ease a person’s discomfort. Chiropractic treatment works great for many musculoskeletal problems including, but not limited to, joint pain, muscle pain, neck pain, lower back pain, and even headaches.

Chiropractic Care: Is it Holistic?

Chiropractic care, by its nature, is a holistic philosophy. It works under a simple philosophy: that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. So even from that definition, you can tell that it takes a holistic approach when it comes to healing. Chiropractors take everything into consideration because their goal is to improve their patient’s overall health. They may provide nutritional counseling or give suggestions in terms of lifestyle changes. Some chiropractors may even incorporate vitalistic philosophy into their practice—but not all of them will do this. So if you are interested in incorporating this particular element into your treatment, work with a chiropractor who makes use of this technique. Most chiropractors will just try to make you healthy: they will restore your range of motion and ease your pain. But they will do little for you spiritually or vitally. But in the process of keeping you healthy, they will improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In pursuit of ideal health, a holistic type of treatment will provide physical health, mental and emotional well-being, spiritual guidance, and social connection. These four primary aspects are tackled to improve a patient’s quality of life. Not all chiropractors incorporate spirituality, choosing to focus on the mechanistic aspect of healing. But then again, not all patients are in touch with their spiritual side. Some would define holistic as healing the body and mind. So depending on how you want to incorporate spirituality into your care, chiropractic treatment may or may not be considered “holistic”. In any case, you may want to visit a local chiropractor to see how they can help your body recover from musculoskeletal conditions.

Is Chiropractic Care Holistic? is courtesy of Dynamic Wellness& Chiro


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